Jay Fisette served on the Arlington County Board from 1998-2017. He was Chair or Vice Chair for 10 of those years and played a major role in transforming Arlington into the nationally recognized sustainable community it is today. Mr. Fisette championed Arlington’s energy plan, zero-waste policy, bicycle plan and affordable dwelling unit ordinance. He was heavily involved in the adoption of all master plans – including land use plans for Rosslyn and Crystal City. Mr. Fisette is a collaborative regional leader, receiving the top award for “Regional Leadership.” He uses his knowledge of local government to effectively engage across borders and sectors to find solutions, such as his leadership in creating Capital Bikeshare. Mr. Fisette was named “Public Official of the Year” by the Virginia Transit Association and recently led efforts in developing the region’s long range transportation plan. As President of the Virginia Municipal League, he created the Go Green Virginia program that engaged localities across Virginia in activities to reduce their carbon emissions. Mr. Fisette led the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG), COG’s Climate, Energy and Environment Committee, and the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission. In these and other regional and state bodies focused on transportation, housing, emergency preparedness and economic development, he designed plans, projects and policies to move our region forward. He has received state and local awards for his leadership in affordable housing. Prior, Mr. Fisette ran a regional human service agency, was staff consultant to a U.S. Senate committee, and was an auditor with the Government Accountability Office. He has a M.A. in Public and International Affairs from the University of Pittsburgh and a B.A. from Bucknell University. Mr. Fisette was recently inducted as a Fellow into the National Academy of Public Administration.