Through a variety of programs and events, there are numerous people who enter the doors of Leadership Center of Arlington. They take their learnings, passions, and visions to make an individual or collective community impact.


“As our work at Dominion Energy is rooted in serving our communities, we applaud Elizabeth Jones Valderrama for her compassionate service to help people our society tends to forget or brush aside. She sees the value of each person and their ability to help the community thrive. We are proud to honor Jones Valderrama with the Torch Award for Ethical Leadership.”
Scott Price, Regional Policy Director, Dominion Energy
It's good business to care! Civic engagement comes in a variety of forms, and we applaud businesses that provide paid time off for their employees to do community service.
The Time to Serve Pledge is an opportunity to recognize organizations that offer employees at least 8 hours of paid time off per year to do community service.
Celebrating and sharing these stories reminds us all that one person can truly make a difference in the world! How do you want to lead and serve moving forward?
We invite you to take a look at some of our participant stories and then find your own path. We are here to help!