Volunteer Arlington Presents 2025 Beloved Community Award

Arlington, VA – Volunteer Arlington selected Dr. Reuben Varghese as the third recipient of its Beloved Community Award and will present the award to Dr. Varghese at the MLK Day of Service opening program on Saturday, January 18, 2025.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. dreamed of a beloved community in which everyone is cared for, absent of poverty, hunger, and hate. The Beloved Community Award recognizes an exemplary leader who embodies this vision.

Volunteer Arlington is honored to recognize Dr. Varghese’s efforts to build a beloved community as he has served with distinction as Arlington’s Public Health Director since July 18, 2005.

Dr. Varghese has been a driving force behind Arlington County’s efforts to promote health equity through his personal and professional actions, forging and fostering partnerships with health care providers, health care organizations, and neighboring jurisdictions.

Dr. Varghese will leave an enduring legacy in the governance of Arlington County with his leadership in “Destination 2027.” The Destination 2027 committee work highlighted the presence of health inequities in Arlington. Research showed there is a decade of difference in life expectancy, depending on who you are and where you live in the community. This work featured prominently in the passing of the County Board Equity Resolution, the creation of a Race and Equity Office, and the use of equity questions in County policymaking and budget decisions.

“Through his profession and desire for health equity, Dr. Varghese has thoughtfully served our community with dignity and grace,” said Lisa Fikes, President and CEO of the Leadership Center of Arlington. “His leadership reminds us that we have a responsibility to care for all our neighbors. It is that spirit that builds a beloved community.”

Please join us on Saturday, January 18, 2025, at Washington-Liberty High School for the MLK Day of Service opening program, during which Volunteer Arlington will honor Dr. Reuben Varghese.

Learn more about the MLK Day of Service, and sign up to volunteer at volunteerarlington.org/mlk. There are opportunities to volunteer both in person and virtually.

About Volunteer Arlington

Volunteer Arlington, a public-private partnership between the Leadership Center of Arington and Arlington County, connects individuals, groups, and businesses to local nonprofit and county volunteer opportunities. The mission of the Leadership Center of Arlington is to connect, develop, and inspire leaders for personal growth, civic engagement, and community impact. For more information, visit leadercenter.org or volunteerarlington.org.